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      How to Avoid a Plumbing Emergency This Holiday Season

      Whether you’re cooking a huge feast for the whole family or buying countless presents, the holiday season can be stressful. The last thing a homeowner needs is to experience a major plumbing emergency. Plus, during the colder months, it’s vital that you remain warm to help preserve your health. However, there are a few things you can do to avoid this type of disaster. 

      Book an Annual System Inspection

      The best way to avoid any sort of plumbing disaster is to keep on top of your home maintenance routine. In the same way a homeowner would regularly check the quality of their fire alarms, it’s important that you ensure your plumbing system is in working order. Experts suggest that you should have your system inspected at least once a year</a> by an experienced professional. Not only will this save you from facing issues in the long run, but you can use this time to ask the plumber any burning questions.

      Keep an Eye Out for Warning Signs

      There’s no denying that plumbing networks are incredibly common, and one small problem can create a wealth of significant health problems. Issues like gas leaks, burst pipes, and overheating can place your home and your loved one’s lives in grave danger. So, it’s vital that you watch out for key warnings such as the pungent smell of gas, black marks around your boiler, or strange noises. Although it may be tempting to try and resolve these issues by yourself, it’s paramount that you enlist the help of a certified emergency plumber. This will ensure that your system is taken care of and can help avoid any serious mishaps.

      Only Recruit Trained Professionals

      We always recommend that you contact a local Master Licensed Plumber when there’s a plumbing issue. This individual has typically experienced a combination of education and hands-on training, making them a great asset for your plumbing network as well as the wider aspects of your home. Plus, they tend to be well-versed in the latest plumbing codes and legislation, so you don’t have to worry about receiving a botched job. 

      Contact Guaranteed Plumbing and Heating Today!

      Let Guaranteed Plumbing and Heating look after your plumbing system this holiday season! Whether you need maintenance or a repair/ replacement, we guarantee we have the solution for you. Our team will work tirelessly to ensure that everything is in top condition so that you have one less thing to worry about when the holidays roll around. 

      Contact us today!